Commemoration by the young: 4th graders shine Stolpersteine in Munich
Neither rain nor wind nor biting cold deterred twenty 4th graders...
Commemoration in Munich on International Holocaust Remembrance Day - singing Stolpersteine, Walkable Map of Jewish Life, Shining the Stolpersteine
January 27th is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Commemoration in Munich with...
Faces for the Names: compelling commemoration
The faces and names of the victims of the Holocaust and...
12 years! Terry's "kippa experiment" going stronger than ever
For a courageous and joyous Judaism! On December 1, 2012, Terry...
87 year old dedicates her days to shining Munich's Stolpersteine
Our dear friend Rosemarie Wechsler was born in 1937. Why does...
Terry Swartzberg: educating Germany's young on the Holocaust, Stolpersteine and Judaism
On Terry Swartzberg TED: Terry Swartzberg: work with schools in...
Standing on the streets of Munich: commemorating the victims of the Holocaust
Dear family and friends, The streets of Germany and Europe belong...
Stolpersteine: "The Antidote to Antisemitism"
“Stolpersteine are the antidote to Antisemitism,” states Sandy Swartzberg. “Because they...
Elizabeth "Lisi" Block:
Born in 1923 in Bavaria, Elizabeth Block kept a daily journal...