For Munich’s Jews murdered in Kaunas on November 25, 1941
November 25, 1941. Kaunas, Lithuania. One thousand Munich Jews are murdered.
November 25, 2021. Munich. These victims are brought back.
By projecting their faces on to the Residenz palace.
November 25, 2021. Worldwide.
The victims’ families join in praying Kaddish for them – and in telling their stories.
Faces for the Names
For Munich’s Jews murdered on November 25, 1941
“Faces for the Names will bring my family members back – to the eyes and hearts and souls of the people in Munich and the world.”
Dr. Thomas Nowotny. Four members of his family were murdered in Kaunas.
On November 25th, Jews in Germany, Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom will gather – in person and by Zoom and video – for a very moving ceremony of commemoration.
At 5 pm, in the heart of downtown Munich, photos of these people’s grandparents, aunts and uncles and other relatives will be projected on to the wall of the Residenz palace.
These photos will be accompanied by the people’s praying of Kaddish and other prayers for their family members, who were murdered, along with nearly one thousand other Jews from Munich, on November 25, 1941 in the Lithuanian town of Kaunas.
This moving ceremony of commemoration will begin with the praying of “El Male Rachamim” by Rabbi Tom Kucera of Beth Shalom Munich.
To be heard throughout the ceremony: commemorative music from Ensemble Zikaron.
A Zoom invite will be sent on November 20th.
For further information
Terry Swartzberg
(+49-170) 473 35 72