Zoom-cast: Jews in Germany – what’s really going on November 26 at 1 p.m. EST


“Are we Jews safe in Germany?” 

“Is Antisemitism really on the rise, and how bad is it?”

Answers from Terry Swartzberg, one of the leaders of Germany’s Jewish community – and a leader in the worldwide Stolpersteine Holocaust commemoration movement.

Terry is uniquely qualified to provide answers:

44 years of living in Germany. Terry was born in New York, and raised in New York, India and Oshkosh, Wisconsin

11 years of wearing a kippa in public in Germany and Europe. To prove to himself and to all of us that we Jews are safe in Germany. Zero bad experiences, many heartwarming and amusing ones.

250 Stolpersteine placed by Terry in Munich. 250 victims of the Holocaust rescued from being forgotten. 250 reminders what Antisemitism, racism and hate lead to.

50 workshops held in schools in Germany this year – on Judaism, the Holocaust and the Stolpersteine.

3 Shabbats for everyone held this year – for Jews and non-Jews, open to the public, attended by up to 250 people

4 children and 2 grandchildren raised

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