In this update:
Autumn’s historic and moving moments: Kristallnacht. Munich – take part!
The young’s energization of commemoration – now in the USA!
Your donations: Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration says “toda raba raba”
Autumn’s historic and moving moment: Kristallnacht in Munich
Kristallnacht. Launched on the evening of November 9, 1938 by Adolf Hitler in Munich. The destruction of thousands of synagogues and stores, the killing of hundreds of Jews, the persecution and imprisonment of tens of thousands of others. The commencement of the main phase of the Holocaust
November 9, 2023: Commemorative concert for Kristallnacht in Munich. With speech on Kristallnacht by Gunter Demnig, parent of the Stolpersteine movement. Premiere of “Shalom Eres” – commemorative concerto composed by Sebastian Oswald and performed by Ensemble Zikaron (“commemoration”). And featuring readings by high school students of victims’ accounts of the horrors of Kristallnacht.
November 9, 2023: Placement of 36 Stolpersteine in Munich by Gunter Demnig. 36 people rescued from the obscurity of being forgotten. 36 reasons to mobilize the world against antisemitism, hate and racism.
To participate in Zoom coverage of the concert and the placement:
Youth’s commitment to commemoration – let us work with you!
Created by Europe’s young:
Videos, poems, songs, posters and much more inspiring them and their societies to commemoration.
Commitments made by Europe’s young:
To keep the 110,000 Stolpersteine shining brightly.
To research and tell these victims’ stories.
Europe’s young have deployed their creativity and commitment to the rejuvenation of commemoration – and given it thus a reach and power encompassing and mobilizing all of society.
Thanks to our workshops and internships.
Our objective: to work with you, your congregations and your young in making the commemoration of the Holocaust a mission for all of the USA.
Here’s how:
Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration says “toda raba raba” to
Congregation Beth Israel, Ann Arbor. Support for the Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration project.
Ron Halbert, San Francisco. Internship for Ian Sosa Saal, Montessori High School, Munich
Rabbis of Temple Israel, West Bloomfield, Michigan. Stolpersteine für Clotilde and Melanie Katz. The sisters were famed singers: opera and operettas and cabaret – the “Sisters Keller”. Clotilde was murdered in Piaski and Melanie in Treblinka. Stolpersteine to be placed on November 9, 2023.
Stan Michelstetter, Madison. Stolperstein for Melanie Breisacher, murdered in Auschwitz. Stolperstein to be placed on November 9, 2023.
Stuart Mukamal, Milwaukee. Stolpersteine for Benjamin and Mathilde Breisacher, murdered in Gurs. Stolpersteine to be placed on November 9, 2023.
Sandy Swartzberg, Milwaukee. Stolperstein for Michael Lewin. Murdered at the age of three on November 25, 1941. Stolperstein to be placed on November 9, 2023.
Society for the Advancement of Judaism, New York. Support for the Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration project
Gary Yale, Los Angeles. Seed money for the Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration project
Alan Zekelman. Staging of commemorative concert for the victims in Munich of Reichspogromnacht (“Kristallnacht”) on November 8, 2023
The Zekelman Holocaust Center
Linda Zlotoff, Bloomfield Hills. Support for the Zikaron Holocaust Commemoration project
The Stolpersteine
110,000 Stolpersteine in 1,800 cities in 31 countries: the world’s project of Holocaust commemoration